Senedd Cymru | Welsh Parliament

Y Pwyllgor Biliau Diwygio | Reform Bill Committee

Bil Senedd Cymru (Aelodau ac Etholiadau): barn plant a phobl Ifanc | Senedd Cymru (Members and Elections) Bill: children and young people's views

Ymateb gan Unigolyn  | Evidence from Individual


What do you think about the new voting system?

I highly doubt that people will understand the new way in which their votes should be cast due to the lack of understanding by the general population about the current combined system, so a clear and effective communications campaign will be required that omits the use of technical jargon like 'first past the post' and 'closed list proportional representation system'. 

I think that the new voting system will result in a fairer election result, but do not believe that it can truly be fair until a proportional representation is adopted in its entirety.

What do you think about increasing the number of Members from 60 to 96?

I think that increasing the number of Members is a bad decision due to costs. I think that it will ensure a more even distribution of work for Members, and would allow more 'normal, everyday' people to stand for election. However, I do not believe that this outweighs the negative cost impact employing more Members will have.

Would any of the changes in the Bill make you more or less likely to want to stand for election as a Member of the Senedd?

The job-sharing aspect of the Bill would make me more likely to stand for election. I think that the Bill would allow more 'normal, everyday' people to stand for election. However, I do not believe that this outweighs the negative cost impact employing more Members will have.

Is there anything else you would like to tell us about the Bill (we would be grateful if you could keep your answer to around 500 words)?

Despite the benefits, I think it is an overall bad idea due to the current financial situation Wales is facing and the negative cost implications it will have. I will be disappointed to see it passed.